Harry Fatouros Photography
from the neglected past and the ever-present 

"In life certain enigmatic souls briefly grace us then fade into the mist leaving only a memory of their elusive trace and a photograph"

 For print sales please - Contact: harryvhb@gmail.com

"Ingénue" a finalist in the Portrait section of the 'LOOK! Member's Prize' 
@ MAPh - Museum of Australian Photography

860 Ferntree Gully Rd, Wheelers Hill VIC 3150. Opening Night Tuesday 8, Sep. 6-8 pm.


A selection of photographs in the show. All derived from 54 year-old 35mm negatives taken with a 
Pentax Spotmatic on Kodak Tri-X film.


Student leader Jim Bacon (future Premier of Tasmania) at Monash University student meeting - 1970

 'Anita' studying in the Monash University Library - 1970

'Julie' in the crowd at Monash University lunchtime rock concert - 1970

Dr Louis Matheson, Monash University Vice Chancellor addressing student meeting

The sublime, Katherina Diamond taking a break from studying.

Study break – in the days when you could smoke in the common areas of the library.

Monash students at lunchtime meeting.

Monash students at  Spring and Collins streets. Future teachers, lawyers, and doctors.

Monash students at lunchtime meeting

Eftyhia, Avangelia, Mavra & Panagiota - four Greek women who migrated to Melbourne in the 
late 1950s. All had children who gained degrees from Monash in the early 1970s

‘The Band’ – Some Fish & Chips shop owners who loved music often had small 
Christmas parties with a band at the back of the shop. Oakleigh 1970.

An Italian, a Scott & a Greek on Kosciuszko Rd. on the way to Perisher for the Monash 
Uni Ice Skating club skiing trip 1971.

Mick, Nick, Trish and Katherina at Monash Association of Students Mid-Year Ball, St. Kilda Town Hall 1970

Greek father and daughter in Oakleigh backyard adopting local culture and tending 
to the sausages on the BBQ, circa 1968

‘Andriana and Michael’ at Monash Association of Students Mid-Year Ball, St. Kilda Town Hall 1970

‘Carmel’ Noble Park girl at Perisher with the Monash Uni Ice Skating club skiing trip 1971.

‘Helen’ Footscray West girl at Perisher with the Monash Uni Ice Skating club skiing trip 1971.

A student at the lunchtime rock concert


'Anita’ in the common area of the Monash Library stating her point of view.



Finalist in the Museum of Australian Photography Members Competition 2023

'The Photo Shoot'




















All images H. Fatouros 2024